Monday, June 4, 2007

Peer Pressure

I am not one to give into peer pressure. In fact, in the most non-rebellious way possible, when pressure is placed on me I will generally do the complete opposite. In some situations this has served me well: I’ve never had a desire to drink, smoke, do drugs, and other trappings of “c’mon, everyone else does it. It’s no big deal.” Other times, well, yeah, sometimes it does get me into trouble in ways that I don’t need to describe to the whole free world, but mostly, I kind of wind up missing out on things that are the basic norms of culture. Like my refusal to watch Star Wars, or buy a cell phone. (Not to worry, I’ve had a cell phone for a few years, and my roommates made me sit down and watch all the Star War movies two years ago.)

But I am here today to say I am caving into the peer pressure to start a blog. Really, everyone IS doing it, and they seem to be really enjoying it, and with certain amount of decorum, it is no big deal. I’ve been devoted to my friend’s blog for the past year, and with her blog came another and another and another and without a TV in the house, I needed entertaining serials to keep track of, and have finally decided to add mine to the mix.

This blog will probably be mostly updates on weather, frogs, birds, dogs, the dandelion looking flower in my back yard that isn’t a dandelion (I won’t go into too much detail regarding a lone cannabis stalk growing back there) and those sorts of things, mixed in with thoughts on consumerism, spirituality, economics, and frustrations and hopes in trying to make a positive impact on the society around me. And maybe a few photographs because I finally broke down and bought a digital camera.


k8 said...

Hah is right!!! I am so delighted to see you finally giving in!!! i cannot WAIT to hear more of your Boston adventures!!!!

Cara said...

I can't wait to read more about what goes on in your fun and fabulous life! And, I like your style of writing!