Saturday, October 20, 2007


A while back, a friend asked on her blog, for people to list their favorite body part. We love to pick apart our bodies and find the major and minor flaws that make us a real human being. I thought it was a great post from my friend, but I never personally accepted the challenge.

I’m not a petite girl. I was born tall like my dad, and curvy like my mom, and my step-dad worked solid muscle into the mix. I tend to get most compliments on my body when I’m at the gym, or out hiking, biking, or being active. Somehow, normal clothes mask my best features. What looks sexy curvy and strong in a swimming suit looks fat in a sweater. What looks powerful and sleek in shorts looks…well, I don’t even try to wear jeans…Am I the only woman in America who feels more comfortable nude than clothed? Why did Lucifer have to tell Adam and Eve they were naked?

However, there are some compliments no woman likes to hear, not matter how honest and sincere they may be. Thursday night while at the gym, I was working in leg lifts with a small Brazilian man. He was lifting 150 lb, me 50 lb. He was helping me re-weight the machine and he says “You have such strong legs.” With a lascivious smile and then proceeded to watch me with my 12 rep set. The rest of the evening he followed me around the gym. (Which is also why I never talk, or make eye contact, with anyone at the gym!) On Friday, as I was walking through the Public Gardens, two men walked past me and one said “I love your big beautiful legs!” Okay, seriously, the words ‘love’ and ‘beautiful’ do not override the word ‘big’ here.

I do like my legs because they carry me here and there and hold me up and they are strong. But I think my favorite things about me that are also big, are my heart and my brain. Unfortuantly, I can't really take a photo of those things. Sorry.

1 comment:

k8 said...

oh my gosh!!!i TOTALLY like my body better naked then in clothes!!! i feel like it makes more sense when it's not broken up by an outfit. i so know what you are talking about!