Sunday, April 13, 2008

Stake Through the Heart

Today is stake conference. I never go. I feel a little guilty about it, (I actually just feel guilty that I slept in until 9:00 a.m.) but I always come away feeling depressed. It seems like stake conference is more like a 6 month reunion where you see who else has gotten married, who is pregnant or on their 2nd (3rd, 4th...) child. And you get to see who the popular single people are as they set up their little camps around the gym, saving seats for one another. Where ever I am sitting, I focus and concentrate straight ahead as hard as I can, with blinders on, like a race horse, so that I can't see all this going on around me. And I feel like a race horse just running around and around the same track and not really going anywhere. Except to maybe the barn every once in a while.

The last conference I went to I had arrived early enough to get a nice comfortable seat near the front. There was an older man from the Belmont ward on the same pew. I asked him if I could sit there. At the time, he was only saving room for his wife and there was ample room for me. Along came married friends of mine; they sat next to me. A few single friends in the row in front. Two minutes before the conference was to begin, with seats jammed packed, the older man's daughter and son-in-law came over and wanted to sit on our filled bench. The older man's wife told me because I was single, I should move to make room for the family. I had never liked this woman before this episode and I assure you this did not endear her to my heart.

Needless to say, I'd much rather stay home and work in my flower beds in the drizzle than endure Stake Conference.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

you have not idea what horrible things I would like to say to that woman. I am shaking right now I am so mad.