Sunday, December 19, 2010

Watts in a Name

Back when I started this blog I owned a house on Watts St in Malden, MA. I fantasized about starting a little neighborhood newsletter called Watts What, but that didn't pan out so I started a blog instead.

Since then, I moved to D.C. for a year and a half. And then to Salt Lake last December. But I kept the blog name Watts What. When I moved to SLC, I knew that the time here was short, at most, a year and a half, until I started grad school in August of 2011.

The mast plan got sped up a bit and I'll starting grad school Feb 1, 2011 instead of in the fall. I'll be doing a one year Master of Research with the Univ of Gloucestershire in Cheltenham, England and then begin my PhD studies. Visa in hand, I've booked my plane ticket and paid January rent on a shared flat and will move from the U.S. on January 18th.

I think it's a good time to change the name of the blog. For now I'm going with Cheltenham Chat. If you have any other suggestions, let me know. I hope to be a bit better at blogging so that I can capture my experience living in the U.K. Hope you follow along!


Miss L said...

Love the new direction of the blog!!! As scary as change is, you are ROCKING it and making it look not only do-able, but easy (though, I'm sure, it's not). Have you met the people who you'll be living with yet? It will indeed be an adventure!

Cara said...

Love the new name!!!

HaH said...

Moving is so easy for me that I haven't been too worried. But about every other day I realize that I am moving to another country and then I get a little freaked out. And I've only emailed one of the four new flat-mates, but by his (yeah, there are three guys and two of us girls) description they all sound mature but friendly.