Saturday, June 30, 2007

Lucious Letters

You know how most people send out complaint letters? Not me, I love sending out Thank You letters. Aside from a letter to Hersey's, I usually get a nice letter or something back. My latest is Stoneyfield Farms. I sent a letter a few weeks ago, and just recieved a cute little package of stuff today.

June 19, 2007

Stonyfield Farm
Ten Burton Drive
Londonderry, NH 03053

Dear Stonyfield Farm,

Just a quick note from an extremely satisfied consumer! I love your yogurt!

I only started eating yogurt a year ago. I’ve never really liked dairy products and much to my farming family’s chagrin, became a dedicated soy-milk drinker. However, news article after article kept advocating the benefits of yogurt eating, so I decided to give it another try. I bought every kind of yogurt the super-market carried: Colombo, Yoplait, Dannon, non-descript store-brand, European style, Greek Style, and Stonyfield Farm®. Guess who the winner was? Stonyfield. And me.

Now yogurt isn’t something to just quickly swallow to get my live acidophilus, but it’s something to enjoy! My particular favorite is Luscious Lemon. I love Luscious Lemon so much that I’m actually glad it only comes in the small 8 oz size. It forces me into portion control. It is the perfect combination between sweet and tangy, creamy and juicy. Yummmmm.

I also love that Stonyfield Farm is organic and gives back to the community and environment. I’ve been such a fan of Stonyfield that I’ve managed to switch two roommates, a friend, and a few co-workers onto your products. (Of course, now I have to mark my container so that no one steals it.)

Thank you to you and your cows.


Cara said...

What does Hershey's send you? Maybe it would be worth it for me to write them a letter about how much I love reeses pieces :)

HaH said...

Hershey's doesn't even send coupons! They only sent a formal Thank You letter back. It was very dissapointing. :(

k8 said...

this is so awesome. i would love it if someone ever sent my company a thank you note.

HaH said...

hmmm...k8...maybe I need some of your company stuff to try. :) jk. I'm hoping it's kind of karma too. If I'm always saying good things about other companies will help my clients say good things about me. :)