I have really been having an urge to go to NYC the past few months. I remember the first time I went was overwhelming to me. Not the bigness, but the noise. Non-stop noise and lights. But each time I go, I like it more and more. I don't think I'd ever want to live there, but I do love going for a day or two.
I took the Chinatown bus from DC. It was so strange to be entering the city from New Jersey. For the past many years I had been traveling down from Boston and entered from CT and it was a little disconcerting to see it from a different angle. An angle that doesn't seem to belong to me yet.
I had three specific things that I wanted to do: go to the temple, a matinee show at the NYC Ballet, and go to the Strand book store. Without giving you a line by line journaled detail of my time table, let me just say that I was perfectly timed to be where I needed to be, when I needed to be there. It seemed that the entire city was working on my time table.
I did get to see a few new parts of the city. Two favorite little spots where both gardens. I grabbed a quick deli lunch between attending the temple, and going to the ballet. There was no seating left at the deli. I walked down a side street and was going to be content to sit on a brick wall and eat my sandwich and soup, when I noticed across the way, a little garden with benches. I went in, ate my lunch, listened to the birds and felt more like a new yorker in a hidden gem, than a tourist at a flashy eatery.
The second garden is a public garden along East Houston. I spotted it as I was walking from the book store to Chinatown to find a bus home. I was in too much of a rush to go inside and look at everything, but slowed my walk and brushed my hand against the plants along the fence. It will be my first stop on my next trip to the city.
Another reason I'm glad that I don't live there is all the food! I am no foodie, but I think I'd get very fat if I lived in New York. There are so many tempting restaurants, bistro's, deli's, and pasty shops. I would want to sample the whole city and then
I'd be a big apple! Sadly, there were no roasted nut carts anywhere in the city. Does anyone know the scoop on the missing peanuts?
The one thing that is difficult for me, and this is true of all trips, vacations or splurges, is my extreme unwillingness to spend money. My mind itemizes and adds every penny that I spend and I think about the things that I SHOULD spend my money on, not the things that I want to spend my money on. There are certain virtues to being such a tightwad, and I'm sure Benjamin Franklin would approve, but even Silas Mariner only found happiness after learning to spend his money instead of hording it away in his floor boards.
All in all, it was a very successful trip. And I can't wait till the next time when I can go visit the newly discovered garden.