Despite the somewhat sickening feeling of progression, I have been loving most every moment. I experienced this when working on my MBA - I really love doing academic research and writing!
There are certain things that have happened enough to me that I should recognize the occurrence as it's happening but I still struggle during the incident. Getting a job and meeting boys are two big ones that come to mind.
Jobs: The morning I was scheduled to interview with CAP Utah last January, I was overcome with a great desire to NOT go to the interview. I had several other offers and I really, really, really did not want to go. I got the job almost immediately. The same thing happened with the job move to D.C., and one of my most favorite jobs, working at New Frontiers.
Thursday morning I was scheduled to go help out at a tea-room to see how I "got on". I woke up with such dread and discouragement and tried in earnest to talk myself out of going. What finally got me out of the door was my honor because I had promised that I would go in for a few hours. I got the job, and furthermore, the girl that I'll be working with talked a lot about how many people have applied because of redundancies. (I can't wait to take photo's to post them for you! The tea-room is just about as lovely as can be!) You would think I'd recognize this feeling at this point.
Boys: I am just ridiculous when it comes to boys! I have ruined more opportunities by sheer stupidity than you would think would be humanly possible. No blog post could do it service.
Tuesday, the most adorable man that I have ever met came knocking on the door to let us know about the changes to recycling. As I am not the decision maker in the house I normally get my flat mate for these calls, but I really wanted to talk to this guy. We talked for about 15 minutes. Talking about the weather and sports has never been so interesting to me. As he was getting ready to leave he said "Oh, let me get your name and number."
Me: "My name is Heidi. I don't know my number."
Him: pause "It's for the Council anyway so that's okay."
and the conversation quickly ends. The next day looking at the Council website regarding the street canvassers it clearly stated that the people will not ask for personal contact information. I did understand in the moment that he was asking specifically for my number because he wanted it for himself but I had no idea how to explain that I don't know my number off the top of my head but I'd be happy to get it for him. Ugh! being boy-crazy and boy-stupid is a really bad combination.
Anyway, the part of the post that any of you care about - the week in photos.
This is one of my favorite photo's of the past two months. There is something about the green cars and the yellow house that is delicious like sunshine. The lime green (non-beetle) car makes me want to go for a long drive in the rolling country side with a long cream scarf streaming behind me.
What could be more green than Spring? Spring is getting more into bloom around here. The daffodils are right outside my research office. The photo on the right is on my way home from my research office. Some photo's never can do justice to how things make you feel in real life. This is one of them. I loved the sunshine streaming through the white blossoms and the contrast of the pink and white.
And this has nothing to do with Spring or green but I think it's really funny. It's a sign at an intersection crossing. I love the "If you are visually impaired" part because um, how are you going to read the sign if you are visually impaired?
I looove the first photo, Heidi. I keep going back to it. It is such a happy image...
Loved the post and the photos! can't wait to hear more about the "tea room!"
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