Below are pics of my research office. The pic on the left is the seat I prefer to sit in. There is not designated space, but is first come-first serve. However, most often I get my preference, especially on Friday as the day the Muslim men go to the Mosque. And as 95% of the people I share the office with are Muslim men, the office is usually empty on Friday. And sadly, anytime new conflicts arise in Libya.
You can see that I apparently need three desk spaces for my homework. You may be able to see the prayer rugs in the back of the second picture. The only thing I find strange about prayer time is that those who aren't praying are walking around, talking, and being noisy while the others are praying. I'm so used to the reverent super-quiet way of praying.
I mapped my route the other day and realized that most days I am walking 6 miles between campus, the shop or errands and home. On top of running 5 or 6 miles or going to the gym. No wonder I want to eat a loaf of bread when I get home in the evening!
However, the time it takes me to walk to and from would certainly be shorter if I didn't stop to take a picture of every flower, bee and bird on my way!
The two below are scenes from Christ Church Road. I have no idea what the little flower like leafs are on the left but I thought they were very adorable. The pic on the right is a garden of flowers with Christ Church in the background. There is no good angle to get a good photo of the entirety of the magnificent church. Beautiful church. Hate the green doors.

This was from this morning, walking around The Park campus before heading into the office. Look at that cute little duck! There were about 8 or 9 ducks skimming around on the pond while the adults looked on and quacked encouragement and instruction.
I love that it looks like the mallard is talking to me on the left. He's saying "Hey Lady! Leave me alone and go do your homework." The pic on the right is two seagulls perched on the little blue boat house. My only wish would be for a better camera, one that I could control focus and shutter speed, instead of my little crap point and shoot.
The day you cease stopping to take pictures and admire the view is the day you stop being PRESENT. keep that. its a priceless quality.
LOVE the photo of the duck! How did I miss this before?
I don't know Amy! Isn't that duck so adorable! I wish the little baby ducklings would have been more photogenic. They were so much fun to watch. Oh, someday I can't wait to have my own little small farm.
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