Before setting out I wrote down directions so that I could accomplish my goals in a circular route. I am usually very good with directions and map reading but with no visible sun and crazier streets than Boston I have no idea where to find North and South, Left and Right. The nice thing though is that Cheltenham is so small that I can't get lost, even if I can't find my exact destination.
After having asked for directions to campus I followed a narrow winding residential road. The two pictures below is the little street. I bet I will never walk down that street again. I have no idea where it is, or how I really got there.
A little way down I came across St. Gregory's Catholic church. I thought perhaps it's spires were going to be my campus but I was wrong. (by several blocks according to my map.) The picture on the left is the front door. The photo on the right was a small alley way next to the church. It reminded me of all the British movies I've watch through the years.
Just a few blocks away is St. Mary or St. Mark's church. I'm not sure which as it seems the map has it declared as both. I love all the moss on the roof.
The winding path finally brought me to town center where I had been yesterday. The area was packed with people. Yesterday there were people walking around. More than what you'd see walking around in Salt Lake, but today it was like walking down Broadway in New York early on a Saturday evening. Very busy.
I saw a man walking his two little terriers and I just had to ask him if I could take their photo's. I'm sure he's thinking "strange American. dogs aren't on the tourism sight seeing list." but terriers and English Sheep dogs are my most favorite dogs. (in fact, if you crossed Pennywhistle with a sheep you'd get something that resembles the terrier on the left.)
So cute! Even if the white one didn't want it's photo taken.
Great photos! Does the sun ever shine there? It seems a bit gloomy.
love it! Sooooo makes me want to take a trip to England!
Isn't the moss only supposed to grow on the North side of things...or is that only in the forest. Or am I completely thinking of something else??? LOVE the pictures and am looking forward to more, though, you stress or anything. :)
Charles, so far the answer is no, the sun does not shine. But the grass is really green so it seems to get enough sunlight to produce chlorophyll.
And Laurenda, the moss grows everywhere! see the answer above about lack of sunlight. :)
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