First, I have yet to see anyone, walking or driving, talking on their cell phone. Or mobile as I should call it. Even though Cheltenham is a small town, it's not the sticks. People do have cell phones. They just don't seem to be on it 27/7. I don't even hear my flat mates glued to their phones.
Second, people don't seem as thirsty here as in America. In the US there are drinking fountains everywhere, plus everyone walks around with a water bottle, taking swigs every four or five steps. Like soldiers packing canteens out in the desert. I haven't seen anyone drinking from a water bottle, I don't see eco-friendly canisters for sale here (that are all the rage in the US), and there isn't even a water fountain at the church. Perhaps people here hydrate by absorbing the mist that is constantly in the air.
And the time. Everything is in military time. I'm fine up till 2, because I can easily add 2 to 12 to get 14. But somewhere around 17, 18 and 19 I just realize that it's after 3:00 p.m. but before 10:00 p.m. 10 is easy because I used to process payroll for an evening shift that ended at 22:00, or 10:00 p.m. Also, it's only 2 hours before midnight. I'm sure within a few months my mind will automatically know what time it is without these crazy calculations.
For those only interested in looking at photo's, below is something I found down a little ally way off one of the main shopping streets. It's five mosaic murals that tell a story of a parade elephant that escaped to eat peanuts. I'm not sure the story has any historical context to Cheltenham, but I thought it was pretty cool.
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