Saturday, January 29, 2011


I've been made fun of a few times already this past week for saying "school". As in, "I am here for graduate school." or "School starts the 1st of Feb." Little children go to school. I go to university. I'd have to revisit my grammar books to diagram that sentence but I want to say "I go to THE university". Not "I go to university" like "I go to work". Saying "football" for soccer seems like an easier transition for my mouth to make so now I use the word "studies" or "class" when I tell people why I am here.

Which reminds me, when I first arrived in Cheltenham, my flatmate had sent a taxi to collect me at the bus depot. While he was arranging my luggage in the back of the car I was reading the digital directions which gave a description of who he was picking up and where to take me and said "help the lady wiv her luggage..." Had some My Fair Lady scenes flash through my head when I read that.

So speaking of school, here is the photo part of today's blog - There are four campuses for the Univ of Gloucestershire. I'll be attending two of them. The first photo's are Francis Close Hall. This is where the majority of the MRes (Master of Research) classes are held. This is also where the school and community choir rehearses. I love this campus, but it's not really in the best side of town.

There is a beautiful chapel on the grounds that I didn't capture yet. More photo's to come I'm sure.

Below is The Park Campus. Aptly named I think. It has the business school so the business part of my research will happen there. The entire campus sits on a tear drop shape of land, the buildings in the smaller part and the winding trails and duck pond of the park on the fat round bottom. The Park is in the very nice part of town. The building you see in the left photo is one of the halls of residence.

I think it's so beautiful here and it's only January. I can't wait until spring. I've been taking notes of all the parks and nooks and paths that I want to revisit once the flowers are out.


Charles said...

Awesome photos!

HaH said...

Thanks! I wish I had a better camera and better skills because the pics don't even come close to capturing the town. Seriously can't wait till Spring. I have a feeling the photo's will be even better!